City demolishes first home in Gordon Plaza; Black NOLA subdivision built on toxic landfill
Updated: 9:59 AM CDT Oct 31, 2024 Shay O'Connor Reporter
Wednesday the city made a huge leap forward. Demolishing the first home in the Gordon Plaza Subdivision in the Desire neighborhood.
You may recall the decades-long fight from African American families who fought for years to be relocated and paid for after their homes were built on a toxic landfill in the 1970s. Families began moving in in the 1980s. Soon after many developed cancer and lead poisoning.
The home demolished was in the 2800 block of Abundance Street. There are 66 other homes that will be demolished by 2025.
Wednesday the same passionate people who fought for over 40 years told WDSU they were tired and just ready to move forward. Hardly no one from the subdivision was present when the Mayor, City Council and Environmental Protection Agency all gathered to put an official end to the injustice.
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