Opinion A shakedown in plain sight - Haslams’ pay-to-play bid to win $1 billion-plus for Brook Park dome: Brent Larkin
- Published: Nov. 24, 2024, 5:43 a.m.
Ten years from now, if the Brook Park project is complete and begins attracting shows, concerts and other events that would otherwise be downtown, the blame-placing will be enormous, changing forever the way some people are remembered. Illustration by Sue Santola, Advance Local
By Brent Larkin, cleveland.com
CLEVELAND -- The biggest taxpayer shakedown in this community’s long and at times glorious history is taking place in plain sight. Pretty much every thoughtful leader in town knows it. And if the perpetrators pull it off, the damage to Cleveland might last for decades.
Browns owners Jimmy and Dee Haslam want Ohio’s taxpayers to fork over more than $1 billion to finance their fantasy domed stadium project in Brook Park. Never mind that anyone with a modicum of common sense knows the suggestion this project would pay for itself is utter nonsense. And never mind that one of America’s richest families wants working-class Ohioans to split their cost for this vanity project.