By Mara H. Gottfried | mgottfried@pioneerpress.com | Pioneer Press
UPDATED: December 29, 2024 at 12:06 PM CST
Until the fall, homicides were trending down in St. Paul this year. But a spate of killings brought the number to nearly the same as last year’s.
There were 32 homicide victims in St. Paul as of Friday, one fewer than last year and down from 40 in 2022.
Yet that was still above what St. Paul experienced before 2019, when the numbers started rising. St. Paul averaged 17 homicides a year between 2010 and 2018.
Investigators categorize three of the homicides this year as between strangers, which are the most rare kind. Some of the killings were domestic violence-related. The majority of cases have been connected to robberies, drugs or gang activity, which is what investigators typically see, said Senior Cmdr. Wes Denning, who’s in charge of the St. Paul police homicide/robbery unit.